Importance of Head Start
Southern Oregon Head Start (SOHS) prepares children and their families for success in school and throughout life. At SOHS we help children develop social and emotional well-being and academic skills while also assisting parents with the necessary tools to make informed choices when it comes to their child’s education and well-being.
A past Southern Oregon Head Start Parent shared how important their experience was with us:
“Head Start is geared in theory to the children, yet, when the parents accept this service, it can change the whole family and it did for us. This child is now a sophomore in high school—myself, I did not start public school until 8th grade, my wife struggled to make it through High School. Head Start made it where our child and the other two entered primary school ready to start learning. Head Start gave my child and the other two with disabilities a leap that would likely not have existed for them.”
More Than Success At School
Southern Oregon Head Start is dedicated to not only providing the tools for students to be successful at school but to also provide them with the resources for overall well-being.
“The most important contribution Head Start gave my son: I am credentialed in Mental Health, it’s my current employment and even with my work experiences during this time of his life, I could not get my child the mental health treatment he needed—it was his teacher and advocate at Early Head Start that broke the barriers of mental health. Now, he’s in 7th grade, the original issue is resolved, however, he is getting continued successful mental health treatment for on-going diagnosis, and this would not have happened without the influence of Head Start staff.”
At Southern Oregon Head Start our staff are dedicated to our families and their overall well-being. We continue to advocate and provided necessary resources for our family’s success.