Southern Oregon Head Start - Donate



Southern Oregon Head Start (SOHS) is proud to employ staff and serve families and children with diverse backgrounds. We value and respect the uniqueness of each child, family, and staff member. In accordance with our Values, SOHS is committed to cultivating a safe, inclusive, and equitable environment, in which our staff, children, and families may thrive. Click here to read more about our agency’s commitment.

Inclusion and Belonging


We invite you to share with us what makes your family unique and special, and welcome your ideas to incorporate your traditions and culture into our classrooms and center. This is your program, and we strive to create a space and offer services that make you and your child feel welcomed and safe.

SOHS Celebrates Diversity
Celebre la Diversidad


In addition, we’re happy to offer tools and resources to support your efforts in teaching your little one about diversity and belonging – and helping them to develop a belief in the value of inclusion.

15 Children’s Books about Diversity
Talking about Diversity with your Child

Talking About Diversity With Your Child PDF

Talking about Diversity with your Child

What Makes You Unique PDF

Talking about Diversity with your Child

Hablar de la Diversidad con tus Niños PDF

Talking about Diversity with your Child

Qué lo hace Unico PDF

“Diversity is a fact. Equity is a choice. Inclusion is an action.
Belonging is an outcome.”

– Arthur Chan 

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