Jarod’s Head Start Story
Throughout my life I have embraced countless challenges forging a rigorous path to success. As a child I was fortunate to participate in Head Start. Sadly, just two weeks after my mother proudly watched me graduate from Head Start, she suddenly died in a fatal car accident. I was forced to put my newly instilled life skills to the test.
My father was forced to raise two children under assailing circumstances. In his struggle to provide a means of support, he turned to methamphetamine. My brother and I suffered many consequences varying from lack of supervision to living in substandard shelters. We made our home in an old Oldsmobile, an abandoned metal Quonset hut, and a slew of shacks awaiting demolition. Finally after a handful of depriving years my father was imprisoned.
Living through these hardships has produced two distinct brothers. As a recipient of Head Start’s resiliency building curriculum, I was prepared for the hardships of reality. Striving to succeed, I overcame immense obstacles to consistently be at the top of my class. Unfortunately, my father neglected to enroll my brother into Head Start. This adversely affected his academics as he continually underachieved and eventually dropped out.
Jarod’s Journey Today
My involvement with Head Start continues to catapult me to success as it gave me the edge to be awarded the Oregon Community College Association “Outstanding Student Scholar.” With this award comes the unique privilege of dining with Governor Kulongoski. Another door that opened through the Head Start was when I approached Rogue Community College (RCC) to charter a club for Head Start parents. This led to becoming the Student Body President. Currently, I am pursuing a degree in Elementary Education and desire to become a fifth grade teacher.
I am extremely grateful that all of my three lovely children have benefited from this awesome agency affording them a Head Start in life. I am proud to serve Southern Oregon Head Start as the Policy Council Chairperson. I am so appreciative and thoroughly enjoy giving back to a program that has done so much for my family and me.